$895.00 USD

Every month

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

All sales are final. A 7-day notice before the renewal date must be given for cancelation. For all terms and conditions, please follow this link.

Mojo Michael Gold - $895 Monthly

No set-up fee with our quarterly plan!

Click here to upgrade and save $100!


Everything you need to be successful.

What you'll get:

  • Mojo Michael’s personally hired and trained lead calling team will call and text your lead lists to schedule warm appointments for you to follow up on with home owners.
  • We partnered with Main St. REI to provide access to their industry-leading CRM - A $224 / month vale.
  • Free website for your company to build to capture leads and market yourself. Need a logo? No problem!
  • Business Phone number to use.
  • Calls will be recorded for you.
  • Built-in texting platform.
  • Access to Mojo Michael himself to help analyze deals, exit strategies and negotiations with sellers.
  • Mojo Michael will help guide you on your leads and deals based on his 7+ years of REI experience.
  • Access to Mojo Michael’s Team Mojo which includes appraisers, title attorneys, short sale specialist, real estate agents, money lenders, rehab crews and more!
  • You’ll receive a text notification every time an appointment is set for you, or we can hot transfer the lead to you on the spot!
  • All calls and texts by the lead calling team are recorded in the CRM for you to review.
  • Access to Mojo Michael’s weekly online meeting discussing latest trends, REI topics, and answering your questions!
  • Dinner VIP access to Mojo Michael’s in-person training events and the dinner held afterwards.

What People Are Saying:

Michael’s team is always easy to deal with. They have research to back up their numbers and are always happy to share that with us which is why we are a repeat customer of theirs! - Rebecca Fulton

A big shout out to Michael in what has turned out to be a lucrative partnership. They have been stellar in knowledge and attitude and accessibility and work wonders day in and day out. Very grateful to be able to work with them! - Mark Peet

Michael’s the person to call! He’s helped tremendously with turning my leads into contracts and deals, and also helped me wholesale them. Give him a call! - John Aguilar